How to Store a Surfboard

25 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Australia has the sixth-longest coastline in the world, so it's hardly a surprise that so many Australians are surfers. Estimates vary, but there are around two and a half million Aussies who regularly pick up a surfboard and hit the waves. But how regularly do you use your surfboard? If it's been a while, it might be that your board will be earmarked for storage with a range of other items you don't use on a daily basis. A surfboard is a solid, inert object, so does this mean you can simply lock it inside a storage unit? 

Protect Your Investment

Nobody is going to stop you from putting your surfboard into a storage unit without any kind of preparation, but this isn't wise if you ever plan to hit the waves again. Even a basic surfboard requires a considerable financial outlay, so think of the preparation work as protecting your investment. But what kind of preparation does a surfboard need before it goes inside a storage unit? 


Although the storage unit doesn't necessarily need to be climate controlled, it should be insulated against the elements, allowing for a more temperate interior. This protects your board from any major climate fluctuations, as this can cause delamination, which can lead to actual cracks in the board's structure. 

Into the Bag

Your board will need another layer of protection, but you probably already have this handy. By all means, you should store your board in its travel bag. This makes it easier to move, as well as adding a layer of cushioning around the board. Make sure the board bag is clean, and of course, your actual board needs to be clean and dry before it goes into the bag. It needs to at least be thoroughly rinsed in fresh water, as any remaining saltwater will have corrosive properties.

Inside the Unit

Inside the storage unit, lean your board against the wall, either on its side or on its base. Don't store it on its nose, as the cumulative effect of the weight on the narrowest point of the board can lead to damage or breakage. If possible, rearrange the contents of the unit so that the board won't damage anything if it was to fall over. This also means that the board won't be damaged if something else was to fall over inside the unit, however unlikely this might be. 

Storing a surfboard only requires a minimal amount of preparation, and it keeps your board ready for the beach from the moment it comes out of storage.